Spine Posture Correction: How to Eliminate Back Pain

The spine is the central supporting element of our entire human skeletal frame. It supports the back muscles, holds our diaphragm, and is the sole reason that enables us to stand upright and walk using two limbs while our bodies stay firm and upright. With a different kind of spine, our movement and lifestyle would have been entirely different! The spine also holds the “spinal cord”. You might have heard about it for sure. The spinal cord is a complex set of specialized nerves that are connected to the brain and is responsible for many major bodily functions. The brain and spinal cord together make up the central nervous system, a very important and centralized system that helps to get the brain’s impulses to different parts of the body while controlling and coordinating different functions. The spine is connected to the brain via the spinal cord, which is essential for proper mental and physical functioning. Injuries to the spinal cord can cause serious and permanent issues such...